Baron Geisler Pees on Ping Medina

Baron Geisler Pees on Ping Medina

Film director Arlyn Dela Cruz has written out the role of actor Baron Geisler from the movie "Bubog" after the actor urinated on fellow actor Ping Medina during a shoot.

In a lengthy Facebook post, Dela Cruz said she is disappointed with Geisler after casting the actor in the film despite warnings from other actors about Geisler's unruly behavior."I did not judge you based on what was written about you or reported about you. I was warned about you by many of your fellow actors. 'Do not ever work with Baron.'"

Dela Cruz admitted that she decided to trust her original plan to cast Geisler after the actor promised to work sober.

She said she treated Geisler with respect and even encouraged the actor to remain sober after he allegedly boasted about laying off the booze for five days. She also noted that Geisler would listen to her instructions "especially when sober."

"Before shooting your first scene, schedule for Day 4, you even told me, you wanted to engage in business and live a different life, a different Baron, different from what others think about you," she narrated.

However, Dela Cruz noted Geisler was already drunk and groggy from anti-depressant pills and was using foul language on set when it was time to shoot his scene.

She also pointed out that Geisler may have felt upstaged when Medina and another actor stole an earlier scene.

"In Ping's words, nilamon niya sa eksena si Baron because he was too conscious of the characterization that he has in mind that he even wanted me to write a dual role for him...not happening of course. Over-thinking the scene."

"Ping stole the scene, and another one too, a non-actor by the way. [Geisler] knew it, I think he felt it. He wanted to redeem himself in the next scene. The question on whether bida ba si Ping was I believe a factor. He wanted to stand out."

"There was a clear sense of someone who wants validation, applaud and affirmation that he is good at his craft. It's human nature, but his was something that comes with a deeper sense of insecurity and I am not being a psychologist here now, in fact I am trying to understand where he came from when he pulled that act."

In his own Facebook post, Medina described the scene as a recreation of how extrajudicial killings are possibly done.

In the film, Medina plays an informant whose face would be wrapped with packaging tape until he suffocates.

Medina said Geisler's part was to remove the tape from Medina's face, listen to him beg for his life, then leave Medina to the hands of three cops, whom Medina called Geisler's "goons" in the film.
Instead of following the director's instructions, Geisler reportedly unzipped his pants and urinated on Medina who was still bound up and could not resist.

In her Facebook post, Dela Cruz called Geisler's action unacceptable and unjustifiable despite the actor's initial claim to Medina that the director gave him liberty to do what he thought was best for the scene.

In Geisler's Facebook post, he claimed that it was a misunderstanding and that he asked for her permission for what he did.

"Kung tinanong n'yo po ako kung ano 'yun, 'di sana naiwasan ang mga bagay na ito," he told her in his post, calling her the "captain" of the set.

"Bulong ka sa artista na sampalin mo para magulat or maganda reaction. I was slapped many times. So I thought, ahhh, so it's ok pala to surprise my co-actors sa set."

But Dela Cruz wrote: "Ping Medina does not deserve what you did. No actor deserves that. No person deserves that."

"You wanted four days of shoot. No, more 2nd, 3rd or 4th day with you. I have killed your character and the story and script will stand without you."

"You told your girlfriend Nina that you have never felt a happy set. You found a happy set---we all gave you a chance. Now you lost one happy group to be with."

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